Sunday, August 7, 2011

An Award!

We want to thank Minnie and Mack for this awesome award! We know you passed it on to us days ago, but Mommy is just getting to it now (she keeps saying something about being busy and that she's sorry)...Anyways, we are so honored that you thought of us! So here it is:

When accepting this award part of the rules states you must post 7 things about your typist (human with thumbs)! So here are somethings about our Mommy and Daddy:
1. Mommy and Daddy are high school sweethearts
2. Daddy loves to be active and loves sports and plays in a hockey league year round
3. Daddy likes to play poker and even watches it on TV
4. Daddy dreams of retiring early and going on the poker tournament (the famous one on TV)
5. Mommy likes to bake and is always looking for new recipes to try
6. Mommy usually beats Daddy in their March Madness brackets
7. Mommy loves to watch Harry Potter movies whenever she is sick or not feeling well

Hope you enjoyed learning about our Mommy and Daddy. So, now we want to pass this award onto any of our furiends who don't have it yet! We want to learn about your parents too :)


  1. We would like to say Congratulations to you guys on your great award!!! Very well Deserved!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  2. awww high school sweethearts are the best. So cute.


    Minnie Moo

  3. Concats on the award and loved reading the special things.. HUgs GJ xx

  4. It was nice of you to share about your people! Congratulations on your new award.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  5. Congrats on your award!
    That is great that your mom and dad are high school sweethearts!

  6. my mommy loves harry potter movies too! her friends bought me a shirt that says "i'm an animagus"!

    oliver and jack
